2024 Calendar of Events
Peggy Taylor and Taylor Burden have been awarded an apprenticeship for weaving. Peggy will serve as mentor to apprentice Taylor.
New Harmony, Indiana
April 24-26
School tours, weaving demos, historic cabins on West Street
Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous
Vincennes, Indiana
May 25- 26
18th century living history and weaving demo of textiles from the Revolutionary War period in the Northwest Territory
New Harmony, Indiana
September 21-22
Weaving and textiles booth and demos, Historic Area
Lincoln Log Cabin State Park, Lerna, Illinois
September 28-29
Handwoven textile demos and booth.
Christmas in New Harmony
New Harmony, Indiana
December 7-8
Located in historic Community House No. 2 – handwoven textiles and weaving demo
Christmas at the Cabin, Bee Tree Pottery
201 Krietenstein Rd. S., Wadesville, IN 47638
December 13-15 (Friday-Sunday)
Joining with two other artisans to offer handwoven textiles at the Bee Tree Pottery log cabin studios. (December 13, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; December 14, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; December 15, Noon-3 p.m.) For directions, visit beetreepottery.com.